Sohil Shah
2 min readFeb 18, 2021


Alzheimer’s disease Tau Protein

#Product Emma: Business and Technology


An AI Platform to provide Early Detection and Cure for Alzheimer’s disease


  1. Decrease the current window for Early Detection by 10 years
  2. Research and recommend Products such as Collagen VI that could scientifically prevent the disease
  3. Find a Cure for the disease


Nerve cells naturally produce Collagen to keep Tau at bay. In #Alzheimer’s Tau starts damaging the nerve cell. Externally boosting collagen at least prevents Alzheimer’s or maybe if diagnosed slow the attack.

Tau Protein Structure

Collagen VI Protein Structure

I was thinking the Structures are related. But I think they are at war. Collagen VI destroys Tau, Tau destroys Collagen VI and your sweet memories. Not under our watch. Live, and most importantly dream.

Current Research Task

Let me run the Genome crawler. Still does not map the data but structure should produce clues and back the theory and intuition.


  • Decrease the current window for Early Detection by 10 years: This is relatively linear. Involves applying a Predictive AI Model to MRI Brain Scans and detect the shrinking Brain Size.
  • Research and recommend Products such as Collagen VI that could scientifically prevent the disease:
  • Find a Cure: Once Tau takes over the medicine needs to find a way to flip the Protein back. Collagen V1 cannot help. The solution lies deep in the Human Genome Code. Tau basically hinders communication between nerve cells. You have to unhinder it. Tau is in fact very useful when not flipped. That’s all I have. I know one thing. I will find the way. That I promise.


Done by end of 2030. Too early to predict the milestones.

Revenue Projection

You tell me. Lol.

Good morning World! Love you World!



